Sprite Showers Filtration Technology

Sprite Showers Filtration Technology can be chemically complex. Simply stated, during a Redox reaction electrons are transferred between molecules, creating new elements. For instance, when free-chlorine comes in contact with the filtration media, it is changed into a benign, water-soluble chloride. This reaction changes free-chlorine to a larger chloride molecule. This new salt-based molecule requires more energy (heat) to evaporate than a water heater at industry-standard maximum temperatures allows and is too large to be absorbed by the skin. It is then carried harmlessly through the water supply.
…is one type of Redox filtration media. Researched, developed and patented by David Farley, CEO of Sprite Industries, Inc., Chlorgon converts free chlorine and some combined chlorines to a harmless chloride salt. A proprietary blend of Copper, Zinc and Calcium Sulfide, Chlorgon works well in a variety of temperatures from hot to cold. It is also the active ingredient for Sprite’s Mediterranean Blue: De-chlorinating Bath Salts.
All Sprite filtered shower products contain Chlorgon.

Filtration Technology: KDF & Chlorgon 


In the shower environment, chlorine can either be in liquid or gas state. At higher water temperatures in the enclosed shower stall, free-chlorine moves from the liquid to the gas state, where it vaporizes and subsequently, inhaled. The United States regulates all showerhead flow at 2.5 gallons per minute. Thus, the science behind shower filtration must take into account the unique situation in the shower, including temperature, flow rate and volume.

Sprite shower filters work on a similar principle to a Catalytic Converter in an automobile. In shower filtration free-chlorine is converted into a harmless chloride. The scientific name for this chemical reaction is known as “Reduction-Oxidation”, commonly referred to as Redox.

Redox reactions can be chemically complex. Simply stated, during a Redox reaction electrons are transferred between molecules, creating new elements. For instance, when free-chlorine comes in contact with the filtration media, it is changed into a benign, water-soluble chloride. This reaction changes free-chlorine to a larger chloride element. Too large to evaporate or be absorbed by the skin. It is then carried harmlessly through the water supply.


Chlorgon is one type of Redox filtration media. Researched, developed and patented by David Farley, CEO of Sprite Industries, Inc., Chlorgon converts free chlorine and some combined chlorines, such as sodium hypochlorite (liquid swimming pool chlorine), to a harmless chloride. Chlorgon also works well in a variety of temperatures from hot to cold. Chlorgon is also the active ingredient for Sprite’s Mediterranean Blue: De-chlorinating Bath Salts.

Kinetic Degreadation Fluxion, or KDF, is another type of Redox filtration media. Researched, developed and patented by Don Heskett, founder of KDF fluid treatment, KDF converts free chlorine to a harmless chloride. This media of high-purity copper-zinc formulations is used in pretreatment, primary treatment, and wastewater  applications. Patented KDF process media are 100 percent recyclable and contain no chemical additives. Hospitals, restaurants, municipal water treatment facilities, and homes rely on KDF process media to safely reduce or remove  free chlorine, iron oxides and hydrogen sulfide.


KDF Fluid Treatment’s unique combination of copper and zinc creates an electro-chemical reaction. During this reaction, electrons are transferred between molecules, and new elements are created.

KDF® media donating two negatively charged electrons to each molecule of chlorine to reduce it to the lower oxidation state of chloride. Chloride are highly soluble and innocuous molecules that don’t possess oxidation properties any longer.

KDF media chages some harmful contaminants into harmless components. Free chlorine, for instance, is changed into benign, water-soluble chloride, which is then carried harmlessly through the water supply. Similarly, some heavy metals such as copper, lead, mercury and others, react to plate out onto the medium’s surface, thus being effectively removed from the water supply.

KDF Media are also used to replace silver-impregnated systems. Silver is toxic, KDF Process Media are not. Silver must be registered with the EPA as a toxic pesticide, KDF Process Media do not. By the way, silver is more expensive than KDF Process Media.


Since chlorination is a long established public health practice necessary for the disinfection of drinking water, consumers are aware of the health benefit drinking filtered water can provide. However, it’s surprising for some people to learn that 50% of their daily exposure is in the shower. The other 50% comes from their drinking water. Therefore, filtering shower water is equally as important, as filtering drinking water.

Documented scientific studies conclude that taking long hot showers is a health risk.In the enclosed shower stall, chlorine vaporizes where it is inhaled. To a lesser degree, dermal absorption also occurs. As chlorine is added to kill pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, the highly reactive chlorine combines with fatty acids and carbon fragments to form a variety of toxic compounds. Medical studies suggest a link between absorption and inhalation of chlorine in the shower environment, with elevated risks for diseases and serious illnesses. Showering in chlorinated water may also cause pre-existing conditions, such as asthma and eczema, to become exacerbated.In addition to health benefits of filtering water, there are cosmetic benefits. Symptoms of chlorine exposure are dry and/or flaking skin, dry brittle hair and red irritated eyes. Filtering the shower water reduces these symptoms. Skin and hair feel softer and eyes become less red and irritated.

Chemicals used in Water Treatment

  • Aluminium Chlorohydrates
  • Aluminium Sulfate
  • Ammonia
  • Ammonium Sulfate
  • Calcium Hypochlorite
  • Calcium Oxide
  • Carbon activated
  • Chlorine
  • Copper Sulfate
  • Ferric Chloride
  • Ferric Sulfates
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Hydrofluorosilicic
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Hydroxylated ferric sulfate
  • Ozone
  • Polyacrylamides
  • Polyaluminium chlorides
  • Poly aluminium silica sulfates
  • Polydiallyldimethylammonium chlorides

  • Potassium permanganate

  • Sodium aluminates

  • Sodium aluminates
  • Sodium carbonate
  • Sodium fluoride
  • Sodium fluorosilicate
  • Sodium hexametaphosphate
  • Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
  • Sodium hypochlorite
  • Sodium silicate
  • Sodium tripolyphosphate
  • Sulfuric acid
  • Zinc orthophosphate


  • Improve dry, irritated itchy skin (great for eczeman and psoriasis)
  • Prevent dry, brittle hair, hair loss and dandruff
  • Essential for new borns
  • Prevents premature aging.
  • Improves hair texture and protect colour treated hair
  • Hair is able to maintain it’s natural oils, and it will look softer and healthier
  • Protects skin’s natural oils. Skin becomes softer, healthier and younger look, without the drying effects of chlorine

Pollutants Removed

  • Chlorine
  • Combined Chlorine
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Calcium
  • Dirt & Sediments
  • Hydrogen Sulphide (Odours)
  • Iron Oxide

Why you should remove Chlorine from your shower?

  • Cell Damage. Chlorine is added to our drinking warer to purify water and kill off microorganisms and other waterborne pathogens. However, because Chlorine cause damage to living organisms, it destroys cells and tissues inside our body. This explains the carcinogenic behavior, and drying effects.
  • Poisonous. In small quantities, exposure to chlorine gas or liquid can be poisonous. Chlorine as a gas has a pale green color with a smelly odor. Inhaling the gas can cause difficulty in breathing. Chlorine ion is abundant in nature and can be found in large amounts in salts.
  • Very toxic.  Many people argue that chlorine is basically safe-that it breaks down into harmless salt and water. Well, that’s true-in a laboratory test tube under very controlled conditions. The real issue is not just how toxic chlorine itself is but how the unintended byproducts of chlorine (organochlorines and dioxins) remain in the environment. They are persistent in the environment; they do not break down readily and therefore bio-accumulate.

When unfiltered water is heated, the chemicals evaporate out of the water and are inhaled. They can also spread through the house and be inhaled by others. House holders can receive 6 to 100 times more of the chemical by breathing the air around showers and baths than they would by drinking water.

  • Contaminate our bodies. Our bodies are very good at metabolizing many things. Through special enzymes, our bodies are able to rid themselves of many environmental toxic substances that we come into contact with daily. However, dioxins/Chlorine byproduct (and other organochlorine compounds) aren’t included. Even if we are exposed to very low levels, dioxins remain in the body and accumulate.

Filtration Technology: KDF & Chlorgon 

Chlorine Facts

  • Dioxin, a chemical byproduct of the manufacturing of chlorine bleached paper, is believed to be the single most carcinogenic chemical known to science.
  • When you open the door of your dishwasher after washing, toxic volatized chlorine from dish detergent and tap water is released into the air.
  • Thanks to chlorine pollution, Americans ingest a daily amount of dioxin that is already 300 to 600 times greater than the EPA’s socalled “safe” dose.
  • The US Environmental Protection Agency has found dioxin to be 300,000 times more potent as a carcinogen than DDT.
  • Dioxin has been linked to endometriosis, immune system impairment, diabetes, neurotoxicity, birth defects, decreased fertility, and reproductive dysfunction in both women and men.
  • Studies show that 40-70 percent of the dioxin in bleached coffee filters can leach into your coffee; dioxin found in paper milk cartons also leaches into the milk you drink.
  • Cancer-causing chemicals like chlorine found in many household products such as coffee filters, disposable diapers, paper towels, and bathroom tissue are readily absorbed through the skin.