CARELUX YUM Water Filter: Undersink Water Filtration System


We all know filtered water is good for you, so don’t force yourself to drink tap water! It’s nasty! Once you try the CARELUX YUM Water Filter you will never go back to tap water and it’s impurities.

  • This system is mounted under your kitchen sink and connects to your cold water line.
  • Supplied with a dedicated faucet for filtered water only.
  • Filters need changing every year.
  • Includes all the tools and accessories for installation.
  • An opening tool is supplied for filter changing.
  • System and components have one year warranty.
  • All components are NSF Certified and WaterMark approved.

If the contaminant you want to remove is not filtered by the CARELUX YUM Water Filter, you can have a look at these Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems.

Take $15 OFF! Just use code: YUM25 at checkout!

NSF Certified


We all know filtered water is good for you, so don’t force yourself to drink tap water! It’s nasty! Once you try the CARELUX YUM Water Filter you will never go back to tap water and it’s impurities.

Think about how much water you drink in a day, a week, a year and during your lifetime. Now, think where water comes from, your tap water doesn’t come from the Swiss Alps, it comes from ground water, lakes, rivers and recycled water. Also, these water sources get contaminated with many known and unknown pollutants from industrial sites that release the compounds into the water or air.  Many of these contaminants are not necessarily removed in your treatment plant.

These contaminants include pesticides and herbicides, antibiotics, endotoxins, fluorides, chlorine, aluminium, mercury, nitrates and many more.

Because of this, water is treated with toxic chemicals to make it microbiologically safe. But this doesn’t mean that your water is clean, it only means that is safe for consumption. Your water will still have traces of all these contaminants.


How do I know what contaminants are in my tap water?

You might think that your town water doesn’t have all these pollutants and that is OK to drink…The only way to be 100% sure is to take a sample to the laboratory and test your water. This can cost you approximately AUD $200. Also, many plumbing companies are doing water tests for free. Off course the parameters are not the same compared to the results of one laboratory, but you can get an idea of the water quality you have.

Otherwise, you can contact your water supplier and ask for their reports or Drinking Water Quality Guidelines. The results you will get from your water supplier are usually not updated and only make reference to the water quality of your area or region, not from the tap water quality of your home. You will be amazed how water quality can vary from suburb to suburb.

Because, water quality varies from city to city, once your know the contaminants you want to remove, you can select them and we’ll modify the CARELUX YUM Water Filter accordingly.

Safe, but not clean?

Yes, water is contaminated from the moment it leaves your treatment plant, as has been treated with many toxic chemicals. Then, water gets more contaminated when leaves the treatment plant on its way to your house. Yes, your water will meet “safety standards”. That doesn’t mean that your water is free of all contaminants, only means that the “levels” of these contaminants shouldn’t pose any “serious” health risk.

The other side of the coin is that traces of these contaminants accumulate in your body throughout your life with every glass of water you drink. And, many of these contaminants will stay in your body FOREVER. Which is why, is very important for you to consider filtered, clean and top quality drinking water. Not only because it tastes better, but because is the healthier option. Read more.

We can’t survive without water for more than 3 days

Imagine that! we can’t survive without water for more than 3 days. Water is more than essential to our body. This is why, we shouldn’t drink tap water. Our body deserves better! Don’t you think that our brain, kidneys, liver and other organs need the best? Your body is already dealing with many toxins daily, and if we give it contaminated tap water, we are giving it more work to deal with.

Start with the CARELUX YUM Water Filter

After drinking filtered water from the CARELUX YUM Water Filter, you won’t go back to tap water and it’s impurities. Start now and switch to filtered water! Stay hydrated with filtered water from the CARELUX YUM Water Filter.

CARELUX YUM Water Filter

Without water, our body is unable to function properly and will begin to stop working. Read more.

“Water is, of course, important. Making up around two-thirds of our body weight, water carries nutrients and waste products around our bodies, regulates our temperature, acts as a lubricant and shock absorber in our joints and plays a role in most chemical reactions happening inside us.” Read more.

Drinking a glass of filtered water every hour of the day helps support the following:

  • Helps maintain a healthy metabolism
  • Supports heart health
  • Supports immune health
  • Support energy metabolism
  • Supports a healthy weight
  • Promotes calmness
  • Reduces stress
  • Promotes heathy moods
  • Supports healthy sleep
  • Helps endurance and physical performance

If you are renting and what to consider other water filters, click here to see our other other water filtration options.

If you are in Perth, you can visit WA Water Filters as well for water filtration solutions in Western Australia.



CARELUX Systems are assembled in Australia with components manufactured in Taiwan, UK, Russia and USA. All CARELUX Systems are WaterMark certified. This ensures "products are authorised for use in plumbing and drainage installations". Also, components are FDA compliant, meaning that materials are safe for direct food contact and won't leach any contaminants into the water. Manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified. ISO 9001 is  for quality management, and quality standards. The ISO 14001 refers to the environmental performance requirements such as, resource efficiency, and waste reduction. Moreover, filters are certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). NSF confirms the filters comply with their reduction claims and ensure safe healthy water.


NSF Certified
NSF Certified

WaterMark Approved

Filtration Method and Media

The filters inside the CARELUX YUM Water Filter are only 9 inch long and target different contaminants. Here we will tell you what we use to remove each contaminant.

For Chlorine Removal – 9″ x 2.5″ Imported from the USA, NSF Certified Coconut Shell Granular Activated Carbon.

  • Works with Adsorption Filtration

For Parasites Removal – 9″ x 2.5″ Imported from the USA, NSF Certified Coconut Shell Activated Carbon Block.

  • Works with Adsorption Filtration

For Lead Removal – 9″ x 2.5″ Imported from the USA, NSF Certified Carbon Block with Specialised Lead Removal Media.

  • Works with Adsorption Filtration

For Fluoride Removal – 9″ x 2.5″ Imported from the USA, NSF Certified Activated Alumina.

  • Works with Adsorption Filtration

For Bacteria Removal – 9″ x 2.5″ Imported from Europe, NSF Certified and Laboratory Tested in Italy, France and the USA, Aragon Polymers.

  • Works with Adsorption, Electric Adsorption, Ion-Exchange and Mechanical Filtration