How can I treat cystitis naturally?

The bladder is a soft flexible bag which acts as a reservoir for the body’s waste water. Up to a litre of this water is passed to it from the kidneys’ filtration plant where it is stored, ready to be expelled as urine.

Cystitis (Bladder Infection)

CYSTITIS is a result of a weak immune system, which in turn, is a result of stress and/or malnutrition. It takes the form of a bladder inflammation and is caused by the invasion of unfriendly micro organisms called E.coli. Although cystitis is not uncommon in men, women are more prone to the ailment, since E.coli can move from the anus to the bladder via the vagina, moslty through the unhygenic toilet or wiping from rear to front. 

Cystitis sufferers often have lower back pain. They feel a need to pass urine frequently, and passing urine can be accompanied by a painful burning sensation. The urine could be bloody or cloudy and possibly foul smelling. Some women suffer for many miserable years with re-occurring attacks of this painful and inconvevnient bladder infection. 


STRESS in the body can cause spasms of the bladder that encourage colonies of bacteria to grow. If the body is malnourished or toxic and its immune system is degraded, the bladder may become inflamedand open to cystitis. 

This in turn could lead to incontinence (leaking bladder). Many women in their late 40s and 50s experience this embarrassing problem. Industry is cashing in on the growing problem  of incontinence, offering many brands of absorbent pads and attachments. 


  • Drink heaps of FILTERED WATER; at least 8 glasses each day. Since E.coli thrive in strong urine, drinking plenty of water can dilute urine, preventing the E.coli from multiplying. 
  • Avoid preservatives, additives, food colourings, and all chemicals in food.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, caffeine, chocolate, spicy foods, all citrus foods and citrus juices, pineapples, tomatoes, plums, asparagous, rich foods and desserts. All these foods could trigger the chances of you getting cystitis of you are subject to bladder infections. 
  • If you drink 1 glass of sugar free cranberry juice each day, you may keep cystitis at bay. 
  • Have a daily – or as often as necessary – warm sitz bath with salt water. 

Things to avoid

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Chocolate
  • Spicy Foods
  • Citrus Juices
  • All processed foods
  • Pineapples
  • Tomatoes
  • Plums
  • Asparagous
  • Desserts

  • Additives
  • Food colourings
  • Chemicals in food
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Preservatives

Essential Foods

Vegetables: Beet top, beet root, broccoli, cabbage, capsicum, carrot, garlic, leeks, onion, green pea, shallot, spinach, sweet potato, turnip, watercress, green sprouts.

Vegetables juices: Carrot, beet root, cucumber, spinach, celery. 

Add a bit of garlic to the juices. 

Fruits: Blueberry, cranberry, apple, apricot, cherry, grape, mango, nectarine, papaya, peach, pear, rock melon, tangerine, water melon. 

DRIED FRUITS: Date, fig, apricot, sultana.

Fruit Juices: Water melon, grape, barley water, young coconut water, cranberry. 

TEAS: Alfalfa, chamomille, green tea. 

WATER: 8 glasses of filtered water daily is essential.

Other remedies

Brazil nuts, chick peas, legumes, lentils, pumpkin seeds, fresh rice barn, soya products, freshly ground flaxseed, lecithin, kelp, fresh wheat germ, flesh oat bran, olive oil.

Drink 2 tbps of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm filtered water in the morning – add a little of pure organic honey to sweeten. 

Fresh oat bran and whole grain products to correct any constipation. 

Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs


MINERALS: Manganese, potassium citrate. 

HERBS: Echinacea, slippery-elm, cornsilk, alfalfa tablets. 

DIGESTIVE ENZYMES: Papaya enzymes,  Bromelain, lactobacillus acidophilus – bifidobacterium.