
Arthritis is severe pain in the joints. It is known by various names such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatic fever, bursitis, gout and back pain. In fact, there are 150 known forms of arthritis that have afflicted the human race for countless generations. Throughout time, desperate sufferers have tried many types of cures, and in modern times, medical science has developed drugs that ease the pain somewhat, but do not cure the cause.

More prevalent in modern times

IN the past, doctors, have tried many anti-inflammatory drugs, including curious things such as gold-salt injections. They have also looked at the psychological factors that could trigger the excruciating pain. The search goes on and on, with a multitude of band-aid cures. However, science has come no closer to pin-pointing the basic causes of this debilitating ailment.

Why it is that, in the last few years, arthritis has crept more frequently into younger people, even into teenagers? Looking over the existing problem and taking a lot of facts into consideration, common sense suggests that we have somehow strayed from the basic principles of good eating habits, and that the rising rate of arthritis is in the line with the increase in the use of toxic chemicals in our foods. Our foods are loaded with a huge plethora of substances, including preservatives, additives, colourings, extenders, binders, anti-caking promoters and anti-mould agents.

Arthritis is not transferred from one person to another through personal contact or some airborne bacteria. Again, common sense tells is that faulty diet is the culprit. Overweight is often involved with a faulty diet which in itself, can bring on a multitude of ailments and diseases.

It is surely in our best interests to take a good look at our daily food habits and lifestyle. Are we getting enough fresh air and exercise? Are we consuming some leafy green vegetables containing chlorophyll every day? Are we personally conscious of all the tablets and drugs we consume, substances which could be interfering with our normal digestive process – that is, the assimilation of natural vitamins and minerals? We need to be aware that many, if not most, drugs and alcohol interfere with the natural nutrients in food.

Arthritis is a reflection of a toxic body, and is most likely the outcome of incorrect food balancing and combining. Even the most severe arthritis will greatly benefit from a toxin clearing regimen of:

  • Water. Drink at least eight glasses of filtered water per day.
  • Vegetable and fruit juices.

Did you know?

  • Arthritis strikes three times as many women as men. This is partially due to the fact that men are more physically active than women. Since they perspire more, they eliminate more toxins through the skin (the second largest elimination organ in the body).
  • Arthritis and its cousins affect one out of every four families in Australia.
  • Aspirin is the most common medication used for arthritis. It may temporarily relieve some of the inflammation and pain, but aspirin is a double edged-sword. For some people, it has far-reaching, injurious side-effects.
  • Scientists have found that garlic, onions and celery are known to have the anti-inflammatory properties of a natural compound called feverfew, a product of the Willowbark tree which aspirin comes from.
  • Never evidence suggests that arthritic patients are deficient in Vitamins A, C and E and the trace minerals selenium and magnesium.

Things to avoid

  • Reduce meat intake
  • Tomato
  • MSG
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Corn
  • Sugar
  • Meat
  • Coffee
  • Nuts
  • Safflower and sunflower oils containing omega-6 and 9
  • Citrus fruit
  • Eggs
  • Pistachios
  • Processed meats
  • Spicy foods
  • Cola drinks
  • Alcohol
  • Fatty foods
  • Fried foods
  • Hot chips
  • Preservatives
  • Additives
  • Food colourings
  • Chemicals in food
  • All bread and grain products if you are intolerant to gluten

Essential Foods

Vegetables: Capsicum, celery, garlic, ginger, parsley, potato, yam, green leafy vegetables, green beans, green papaya, spring onion, green sprouts, green pea, kohlrabi, celeriac root, cabbage, broccoli, carrot.

Vegetables juices: Carrot, celery, beetroot, what grass, green bean, parsley, water cress.

Combine a little ginger or garlic with the above juices.

Fruits: Apple, apricot, banana, kiwi fruit, peach, pear, pineapple, black currant.

1 or 2 brazil nuts for Selenium

DRIED FRUITS: Date, fig, prune, apricot.


FRUIT JUICES: Cherry, cranberry, pineapple.

TEAS: Chamomile, dandelion, alfalfa, lemon balm, ginger, tumeric, fenugreek.

WATER: 1 glass of filtered water every hour of the day is essential during daylight hours.

Other remedies

Fish, salmon, sardines, trout, mackerel, herring, tuna, green-lipped mussel (tablet extract), kelp, flax seed oil, fish oil, blackstrap molasses, barley, rice, millet, lecithin, olive oil, fresh rice bran, fresh oat bran, red bean, white bean, black eyed bean, broad bean, mung bean, chick pea, split pea, lentils, cod liver oil, sea food.

500gm Epsom salts in hot bath.

Exercise to joints is essential.

Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs

VITAMINS: B3, C, E, Bioflavinoids.

MINERALS: Boron, magnesium, selenium, sulphur, dolomite.

HERBS: Alfalfa, celery seed tablets, curcumin, clover, feverflew, equisitum, turmeric, gotu, kola, ginger, ginseng, everning primrose oil.

DIGESTIVE ENZYMES: Bromelain, papaya enzymes, lactobacillus acidphilus -bifidobacterium.